Suyeong RHIE - Résumé

Personal Details

이 수영(李 秀永, リ・スヨン)
E-mail: me at
    s.rhie at
GitHub: Suyeong Rhie (noxowl)



Human Computer Interaction. HCI.
Agumented reality.
Improve human communication and Human-Agent communication.
CJK or non-ascii character in modern computer environment.
Virtual environment and Human interaction.
Real world problem solving through computer science/electronic engineering.

Skills & Experience

Codewars: codewars badge
Languages: Python, Rust, Kotlin, C#, Ruby, C++, Clojure, Common Lisp
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Redis, ElasticSearch
DevOps: Nginx, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Linode, DigitalOcean, AWS, Proxmox, OpenNebula, OpenStack
Server FW.: Flask, Twisted, Ruby on Rails
Client/Web FW.: Unity3D, Vue.js, PSPSDK
Tools: Vim, Git, Wireshark
Physical computing and Prototyping: Physical sensors and GPIO(Raspberry Pi, Arduino), OpenCV, Eye tracking, Soldering skills and knowledge of electronic circuit.


T.-Y. Wang, S. Rhie, M. Otsuki, H. Kuzuoka, and T. Yuizono, “Exploring relationship between EMG, confusion and smoothness of work progress in assembly tasks,” in Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference 2024, in AHs ’24. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, pp. 252–254. doi: 10.1145/3652920.3653042.

Education & Experiences

2024.04~ Japan advanced institute of science and technology (JAIST)
Doctor of Philosophy Student in Knowledge Science at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

  • Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies (CET) Team.
  • Primary supervisor YUIZONO Takaya, Prof.
    Major in HCI, CSCW
  • Secondary supervisor Mohammad javad KOOHSARI, Assoc. Prof.
    Major in Urban Design
  • Advisor WANG Tzu-Yang, Asst. Prof.
    Major in HCI, CSCW
  • 2024.09~ Research Assistant at AIST, Tsukuba.

2022.04~2024.03 JAIST & Kanazawa University
Master of Philosophy in Transdisciplinary Sciences at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Joint degree course with Kanazawa University.

  • Cyberpsychology & Emerging Technologies (CET) Team.
  • Scholarship for the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences (~2024.03)
  • Primary supervisor YUIZONO Takaya, Prof.
    Major in HCI, CSCW
  • Secondary supervisor SUGANUMA Naoki, Prof.
    (Kanazawa Univ.) Major in AI, Autonomous driving
  • Mentor WANG Tzu-Yang, Asst. Prof.
    Major in HCI, CSCW
  • 2022.08 Summer internship program at AIST, Tsukuba. Smart work IoH Research team in Human Augmentation Research Center. Team leader: OKUMA Takashi, Ph.D., Internship supervisor: OTSUKI Mai, Ph.D..
    Developed extended system for follow up research of "Evaluating Workload in One-to-Many Remote Collaboration"(10.1145/3529190.3534717).
  • 2022.09~2022.12 Laboratory rotation at Kanazawa Univ., Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources. Director: KAWAI Nozomu, Prof., Lab rotation supervisor: GAKUHARI Takashi, Asst. Prof..
    Experiance in the theory and practice of Paleogenomics.
  • 2023.04~2023.06 Teaching Assistant for the course "K125, Introduction to Systems Development for Knowledge Science Experiment/Survey".
  • 2023.06~2023.09 Laboratory Assistant for the research "円滑な一対多遠隔作業支援を実現するための異なる共通基盤の融合手法の開発" and developed AI speech analysis and represantion system.
  • 2023.06~2023.09 Laboratory Assistant for the research "拡張現実型一対多遠隔協調作業において作業効率および指示者負荷に影響する要因の探索" and developed one-to-many remote collaboration work support system with Magic Leap 2.

2020.04-2022.03 Josai University
Japanese Language Program (Non-degree program)

  • Mentor EYA Yoko, Adjunct faculty, Waseda University.
    Major in Japanese Applied Linguistics

2018.03-2019.08 University in Korea
B.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering (Early Graduation)

  • Capstone project Design and implementation of modular design base social media scrap and share service application.

2013.01-2015.01 Republic of Korea Air Force
Served in the Air Force as a Senior airman correspond to NATO OR-4. Computer Technician.

  • 2014.10 ROKAF Information and Communications Contest / Hacking Defence - 5th Place
  • 2013.03 ROKAF Information and Communications School

2012.03-2017.02 University in Korea

2009.03-2012.02 Sudo Electric Technical High School
Major in Electronic Applications.

MOOC Courses & Certifications:

  • Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) certification

Personal Projects

2022 Mask my name
A Text masking CLI application/API for privacy(Ring Fit Adventure screenshot). github
[ Rust, OpenCV, Tesseract ]

2020 Purifier
A RESTful API endpoint for modded minecraft server. jwt token authorization included. github
[ Kotlin, Javalin as API Router ]

2020 Nachtbeere
A Full-stack microservice architecture modded-minecraft server network. built with linode Tokyo region VPS and physical 1U VM server located in IDC, Seoul, Korea. github, architecture overview (pdf)
[ Linux, Shell, Docker, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, MySQL, Proxmox, Cloudflare, Dropbox ]

2019 Irastretto
Concept API of modular-base social network media scrap’n share service. built with message queue. github
[ Python, Flask, Celery, lxml ]

2017 Preseoje
Parse and archive Korea president’s past schedule from bluehouse korea official web site. github
[ Python, SQLAlchemy, lxml ]

2017 Airpods-Airpods
Built for buy Apple Airpods. Check Airpods stock in local reseller store itself. github
[ Python, lxml ]

2017 Hannakageul
Convert broken character like “뷁어”, Built for restore encode between EUC-KR and Shift-JIS or somethings. github, pypi
[ Python ]


2017-2019 Plustonic
▶︎ Shin-Chan (Backend, Unreleased)
Refactoring, development and documentation of mahjong solitaire game published by 「Line Games」. China service version of LINE Puzzle Tantan.
– Server [ JSP, Spring, Redis, Docker, Messagepack ]

▶︎ Kingdom Alive (Backend, iOS&Android)
Built production game server and prototype game client of 「Kingdom Alive」, A Offence RPG game. and also built game service management/translation management tool.
– Server [ Python, Flask, Redis, MySQL, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Twisted, Json, Messagepack, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Service, ElasticSearch ]
– Web frontend [ Vue.js, Messagepack ]
– Game client [ Unity3D, C#, Java ]

▶︎ Fantasy Squad (Backend)
Built revision-base translation management and auto distribution Tool for 「Fantasy Squad」 the mobile game.
– Backend/web frontend [ Python, Flask, MySQL, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Amazon Web Service, Jinja2, JQuery, Json ]

Maintained 「Fantasy Squad」 game API server and game service management tool.
– Server [ PHP, MySql, Redis, AWS ]
– Server/Web frontend [ PHP, Laravel, JQuery, Json ]
– DevOps [ Python, Jenkins CI, Amazon Web Service ]

▶︎ Last Sortie (iOS, in 2016 Intern)
A 2D casual shooter mobile game. Apple game center linked.
– Game client [ Unity3D, C# ]

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